Sunday 26 February 2017

Facebook Marketing - Page Promotion

Let us now discuss in detail about creating a Facebook Social Media Marketing (SMM). When looking to promote your page, you need to clearly define a strategy on what you are looking to achieve. This can be done by −
  • Clearly defining your goals and objectives.
  • If you already have a Facebook page — Conducting an audit to find out what is working and what is failing.
  • Conducting research and competitor analysis.
  • Creating a content plan.
The two best ways to promote your page are to either promote the page itself or boost your posts.

Boost your posts

  1. Create the post that you would like to promote. Once you are happy with the post and it has been published, click the ‘boost post’ button. You can schedule posts for a future publish time and still organize a paid boost campaign for when the post becomes active.
  2. Choose an audience that you have already created or select ‘create new audience’. If you choose to create a new audience, the following pop-up will be displayed. Here you can define who the post will be targeted at.
  3. Choose budget and reach. You can optimize the boost to how much you want to spend and how long you would like it to run. Playing with these options will alter the reach of how many people will be estimated to see the post.

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