Wednesday 21 June 2017

RecyclerView with different layouts

One of the new concepts introduced in RecyclerView is the Layout managers. This class basically defines the type of layout which RecyclerView should use. In RecyclerView you can define three types of LayoutManager (s).
  1. LinearLayoutManager – This LayoutManager can be used to display linear lists, they could be vertical or horizontal.
  2. GridLayoutManager – Earlier in android GridView was the only widget to display grids, but now with RecyclerView, GridLayoutManager can be used to display grids.
  3. StaggeredGridLayoutManager – Another great customization is StaggeredGridLayoutManager, this is used to display a staggered grid.
In this Android RecyclerView Tutorial for simplicity I will be using a LinearLayoutManager for displaying a vertical list of items.
Android RecyclerView ViewHolder
The concept of RecyclerView.ViewHolder is same as it was in the ListView. Simply said: when a view goes out of visible area it is kept for recycling. Earlier this was done through the custom view holder pattern. But now with RecyclerView a ViewHolder class is included in the adapter by default. Therefore now its a compulsion for everyone to implement this class. There are many advantages to this approach, like it keeps references to the views in your items, which in turn decreases the overhead of creating new references every time an item is displayed.
Have a look at the object, that I will be using to supply data to ViewHolder:
Also have please have look at the layout where RecyclerView needs to be added:
Android RecyclerView Adapter
In general ListView implementations, the adapters were used to bind views with positions, usually in the getView() method. As developers we used to bind data into it. Here in RecyclerView the concept is same. But now the difference is, that new view holders are placed inside the adapter and the adapter now binds with ViewHolder, instead of views, as in previous adapters. In a way a direct binding between ViewHolder and position is made. To understand the concept mode deeply have a look at my custom implementation of RecyclerView.Adapter :
Android RecyclerView onItemClick Event
Sadly the standard implementation of RecyclerView does not have an onItemClick implementation. Instead they support touch events by adding an OnItemTouchListener through the addOnItemTouchListener method of RecyclerView class.
But I believe the suggested implementation is a little lengthy to implement. Also you may need to detect click events on the views in a RecyclerView item. Which may be a little difficult to implement through the standard OnItemTouchListener. Therefore I have implemented a custom recyclerview onitemclick event.
Here in the above code sample, I defined a custom interface MyClickListener with a method onItemClick, which is used for detecting clicks on the activity. The only drawback of this approach is, that I had to make a static reference to MyClickListener, inside the adapter. Although it may not create any problems, but still to avoid them I suggest you to initialize this interface in onResume() method of your activity.
The above code implementation will detect clicks on the item. If you need to detect clicks on particular views. It can be done simply by modifying the code in DataObjectHolder constructor. The layout for RecyclerView item:
To display visual responses like ripples on screen when a click event is detected add selectableItemBackground resource in the layout (highlighted above). Next have a look at the main activity where all of this code would come into play:
In the above code sample I have defined a basic Android RecyclerView. Where I have also shown, how to add and remove items at run time from the adapter. The good part here is, you need not to worry about animation. They are added and removed with default animation. But the most annoying thing is how to add dividers and spaces between items in RecyclerView?

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