Cloud providers are delivering large quantities of tools to help enterprise IT to build, buy, manage, monitor, and track change cloud services. These tools are designed to help IT executives to release their budgets and their staff so that both can be used toward projects more strategic business line.
New start-ups are offering a range of tools to help enterprises run their cloud resources more effectively. The 25 tools below help IT departments manage and monitor their cloud services. The tools are designed to free up cloud budgets, and create improved strategies for enterprise cloud use and governance.


Founded in 2006, RightScale is a platform for managing and deploying cloud resources through public and private environments, which provides users with tools to configure, control and automate deployments, and rule and access controls.
It works through a variety of public and private platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, Microsoft Azure, Google, Datepipe and private cloud platforms including CloudStack, Eucalyptus and OpenStack.


Cloudability is a financial management tool to monitor and analyze the costs of cloud. By aggregating of expenditure reports, Cloudability helps identify opportunities to reduce costs, offers budget alerts and recommendations via SMS and email, and provides APIs to connect billing information and use of the cloud to any business or financial system.
Cloudlytics creates report on suite of all AWS logs such as Amazon S3, Elastic Load Balancing, AWS CloudTrail, API access logs, CloudFront and AWS Bills.


Cloudyn tools are designed to help corporate IT to not buy excess Amazon cloud resources. The suite of Cloudyn services provides users with a dashboard that displays detailed information for all instances of virtual machines, databases and storage. Cloudyn then provides an insight into inefficiencies and suggestions on how to get rid of them.
It provides a calculator that helps customers calculate the costs associated with backup virtual machines in public AWS cloud, and has an enterprise version that offers recommendations how to use cloud resources and alerts on underutilized resources. Via a dashboard it shows users detailed, useable information on virtual machines, databases and storage. The company, which specializes in the Amazon cloud, is also expanded to include Rackspace, Microsoft Azure and GoGrid.

Dell Boomi AtomSphere

Dell Boomi AtomSphere is a PaaS used by customers who want to integrate their various cloud applications with each other and with applications on premise. A new feature allows the use of multiple sources of data and cloud resource reservation for transferring real-time data integration processes. The AtomSphere platform is now handling more than one million integration processes per day, 250% higher than a year ago.
The advantage of AtomSphere connector solutions is distributed between the fall of costs arising from errors and inaccuracies, increased sales, improved productivity and significant reduction in integration time.


EnStratius management provides enterprises cross-platform cloud infrastructure for public, private and hybrid clouds that can be aligned with the requirements of government and corporate security. Enstratius helps organizations manage applications across private, public and hybrid clouds, including the provision of automated applications and scale, configuration management, governance and use of monitoring the use of the cloud.
Among the features are deprovisioning and provisioning; tracking in multiple currencies cost/return of illegal charges; customizable controls and role-based access, login only to manage all cloud resources; and support for authentication systems of the company including SAML 2.0 and OpenID. Currently, the tool supports AWS, Google, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, HP cloud services and IBM SmartCloud Enterprise.


Puppet Enterprise is an IT automation software that gives system administrators the power to automate repetitive tasks easily, quickly deploy critical applications and proactively manage changes in infrastructure, on premise or in the cloud.
The product can automate tasks at any stage of the life cycle of the IT infrastructure. New features include allowing system administrators to view and respond to requests graphically; support for third-party authentication services, support for Windows and Google App Directory.


ServiveMesh agility platform provides a single, integrated control point for governance, compliance and security in cloud applications and cloud environments of a company. The platform consists of a comprehensive policy engine that allows the creation and enforcement of an impressive array of custom policies of governance, compliance and security. It provides a security model end to end that traverses the network, consulting, data and access levels including federated identity management.


Newvem has focused its efforts on Amazon Web Services and provides metrics of clouds and recommendations optimization. The Newvem Analytics software collects data from resource use on AWS customers and provides metrics usage patterns, as well as recommendations for more efficient allocation of resources based on prior use.
The company also partnered with Datapipe, a provider of cloud and managed hosting services to provide customize deployments in the cloud for users and acting as a gateway to public cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services.


Informatica presents its suite of next generation cloud integration tools including improvements to data security in the cloud and enterprise IT that help manage issues of data integration deployments hybrid clouds.
The Informatica Cloud Data Masking service reduces the risk of data leakage during development and evaluation of applications. And the Informatica Cloud Extend service workflow is aimed at the creation and management of business processes in the cloud. The latest version includes functionality to address cloud data security issues. The new workflow service is geared toward business process creation.


MuleSoft delivers as a packaged integrated experience, which are built based on open source technology to provide fast and reliable integration of applications without being tied to the supplier. The company offers CloudHub, an integration platform as a service (iPaaS) to connect SaaS applications, cloud and on premise and APIs; and Mule ESB, a business service to connect open source enterprise applications on premise and cloud.


Chef from OpsCode is a Ruby configuration management product with an Apache license. Users can cut down on manual task replication via the ability to programmatically configure virtual systems.
Hosted Chef and Private Cloud offering Private Chef allow cloud systems administrators programmatically configure virtual systems, thereby reducing repetitive and manual operations. Chef culinary terms which uses metaphors to organize your processes- specializes in provisioning, configuring and integrating cloud resources.


GigaSpaces is a platform that automates the deployment of applications for a variety of settings, including public and private clouds, as well as physical hardware. The new product of the company is Cloudify, which is marketed as a private platform as a service (PaaS) for deploying applications in public cloud environments without requiring code changes.


BitNami Cloud Hosting simplifies the way a web application in the Amazon cloud amd Microsoft Azure set which offers automatic backup, multiple concurrent applications, simple adjustment of the server infrastructure, control over storage requirements, Apache and MySQL monitoring.
The Bitnami Cloud Tools installer packages the Google Cloud command line tools together with preconfigured Python language runtime offers a self-contained, easy to use distribution to get started using Google Cloud services from the command line.


AppDynamics organizes all activities of your system in the form of business transactions, which are used as the basic unit for the diagnosis and monitoring. Best work with Microsoft Azure cloud platform, this approach provides a much better look on the environment than traditional silo monitoring servers. AppDynamics has the unique ability to instrument your system to automatically recognize your transactions, load patterns and behavior of your system. AppDynamics independently adjusts its configuration to the needs and changes in your environment - no manual configuration is not needed.
By providing the context of business transactions during bottlenecks, AppDynamics allows you to understand the performance of your application how your end users perceive and prioritize problems based on the severity of their impact on your business. While most applications of the performance monitoring tools show a correlation of the response time in the whole application, AppDynamics provides visibility both broad and specific, allowing users to identify the root cause performance problems in no time.


Boundary is a tool for monitoring cloud-based and distributed applications and entire cluster. For this purpose, the flow of individual packets is monitored between the servers and the user notified when abnormalities are detected. In order to increase the attractiveness for new customers, the company also now offers a free version of its solution.
Boundary collects and records warnings, events and notifications from public clouds, other application performance tools and provisioning solutions, including Amazon Web Services, New Relic, Splunk and Puppet. In addition, Microsoft Azure versions of the agent as well as a Hadoop Application Pack are also available.


ManageEngine is one of the market leaders in software for monitoring cloud infrastructure including Amazon monitoring tools. The Applications Manager tool from the company is a complete solution for monitoring of business applications that help prevent cuts and degradation of the service of their critical applications, through a proactive monitoring of all its parameters. It allows you to monitor servers, applications, databases and web services, providing the administrator powerful diagnostic tools (including analysis and monitoring of transactions) to help identify and diagnose problems before they are passed on to users.
Applications Manager protects your investment in critical applications, whether custom applications or third-party products such as SAP, Exchange, Oracle, IBM and many others.

New Relic

New Relic offers a platform-independent all-in-one tool for measuring the performance of Web applications to the micro level. The SaaS platform is used to monitor and manage the performance of business applications in real time. It is a very comprehensive tool, with a display that can take just a few minutes that optimizes all applications at all levels from all leading cloud platforms.
The platform allows analysis of all the additional components that comprise (databases, middleware, NoSQL, distributed caches, web servers, etc.) thanks to the more than 330 existing plugins or developed specifically through its SDK. It also offers a powerful Business Intelligence system on all information collected at any of the levels indicated above, to easily get information of great value to both the business and the systems that support them.


Scalr is a web-based, open source, cloud computing platform to manage the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. The tool is also offering support to Google, RackSpace cloud, CloudStack from Apache Foundation and OpenStack. Scalr provides 90% of the functionality to 10% of the price of the main competitor RightScale.
The service provides a set of graphical tools that allow users to model system landscapes. In addition, individual strategies and workflows can be defined to automatically scale with shortages or availability problems Server instances. Tools for automated deployment, graphical reports, as well as comprehensive user management and collaboration functions are also a central part of the solution.


RiverMuse Fault Management Platform is an enterprise-level open source tool in order to have a low TCO. Its architecture adapted to the complexities and variations of modern cloud network infrastructures. The network activities are monitored through the events recorded by rsyslogd, SNMP traps and decides how and when they have to take the alarms of the highest level. The system is divided into multiple agents that revolve around a MySQL database and manage a part of the functionality.


The company offers Kaavo IaaS-solutions to create and manage cloud applications with features like online set of project management, CRM, basic accounting, human resource management, productivity and collaboration applications. In 2009, Kaavo began offering its own product Infrastructure and Middleware on Demand (IMOD) as the world’s first application-centric solution for the management and security, designed for cloud computing. IMOD is an example of focus shift from managing individual servers on systems management applications.
Kaavo IMOD provides users with a simple and intuitive interface for deploying and managing applications in the cloud; automate the deployment of server systems as in the case of a single server, and complex multi-server solution; security management and access to data in the cloud using standard AES-256 encryption; and automate data backup, monitoring and alert settings.


BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management enables organizations to achieve the difficult act of balancing the desire for flexibility and customer response with the responsibility to control, restrict and manage the cloud environment.
BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management includes a catalog of services based on policies that offer customized list of available services and customizations based on the user's role, web self-service portal to request and manage cloud resources, either a private or providers of public clouds cloud, dynamic provisioning of the entire service: computing, networking, storage and application across heterogeneous infrastructures.


CloudLock is a suite of data protection to public cloud applications like Google Apps for Work. The essential functions of CloudLock are not based on Google APIs, but on proprietary technology. The tool is the only solution in the industry, offering deep content inspection and regular expressions (regex) to find sensitive or privileged information.
CloudLock Security offers identify and control access to privileged information, enforce policy sharing, alter users and administrators and manage information within Google Apps.


Okta gives companies better control over who has access to all cloud-related software and services. Put differently, Okta connects all applications, directories, systems, organizations and people who need to be connected, in the cloud or behind a firewall. Okta holds its own Secure Web Authentication (SWA) technology to maintain existing infrastructure.


CloudMigrator is a multi-platform migration tool to move millions of users to Google Apps. The tool helps you to migrate E-mails, Calendars and Contacts to the new system with great ease. It offers easy interface and all the accounts can be migrated within a few hours.
The tool is a perfect solution to migrate data from Amazon to Azure Blob Storage or Google Apps or to Rackspace Cloud files and vice versa.

Splunk Storm

The service from Splunk is aimed at companies who develop their applications in the public cloud and provide on infrastructure services such as AWS, Heroku, Google App Engine or Rackspace. Splunk Storm helps to diagnose application problems and fix it. At the same time, users gain immediate insight into cloud-based applications and keep critical business metrics always in view, so as to take advantage of operational intelligence even more effective.
Users can use the powerful Splunk search language to search real-time and historical machine data, to filter events information available in various formats to correlate to link transactions across multiple application components across each other and critical operating parameters to follow. Users can also accurately recover the information they need from their machine data and use it to create dynamic and iterative reports.