Wednesday 21 December 2016

Choosing the Best Conference Call Provider

Most companies that use audio conferencing facilities prefer to hold the services of trustworthy conference call providers. In general, the host of the conference call has to pay for each minute of the call; this may appear quite pricey in the end. Still, there is also an alternative option that can be very useful for those businesses that can’t afford paying such expenses. This alternative is a free conference call provider. There are no fees charged to the consumers for the conference call, so there is no bill to pay. Below you will read some information on how free conference call providers work, and when the service appears as a practical option.
The first thing to take into account is that free conference call providers are not absolutely free. The fees won’t be seen on the statement released by the free conference call provider, but it will appear as a payment for per minute created on each participant’s personal telephone fees. Than you might have a question why is it called free, if it is not actually? The meaning of free conferencing is based on the actuality that the conference call provider is not charging setup fees, or matter fees for use of their lines.
The fact that free conference call providers are offering this type of service can be explained for several reasons. And one reason between this is that free conference calling necessitates not much in the system of apparatus and staff. This stands for a very low operating rate that can be simply solved by regular usage of their services.
Over the years, call conferencing has evolved from being a business apparatus that was within the domain of the big companies, to a common way to hold meetings for companies of any size. Conference calls are basically telephone calls in which the party which calls adds any number of other parties who are present at other locations. For making this possible, companies use conference call providers to maintain the telephonic connection between them.
Call conference has become an indispensable tool in business. This has cut down the company’s cost. For example, a company has many branches. Interacting with each and every branch is difficult. For this, call conferencing is the best solution. Call conferencing is now used for personal use also. Nowadays, the competition between various conference call providers has become fierce. But, there are many companies which provide low quality call conferencing. Therefore, for a disturbance free conference call, it has become essential to choose the right service provider. Before choosing any conference call providers, one must have the knowledge about the facilities it provides as well as he/she must go through different reviews of the providers. It is better to make test calls to check if the sound quality is clear. It is always advised to check the budget also. There are many features which are provided by the call providers. They provide the facility to record the conference. Privacy and security is ensured. Digital connections are also available which are clear. One can have access to it at any time, be it day or night. A toll free number is also available to help customers clear any query. The desktop sharing facility is also available. Some service providers also offer web-cast, which is like a conference call, videotaped and streamed on the internet. Nowadays, call conferencing has become affordable. The price, though vary with the features. There are basically three types of call conferencing. These are audio conferencing, video conferencing and web conferencing. In audio conferencing, only a telephone is required. It is quite popular due to its low cost. In video conferencing, a web-cam and a television are required. But it comes with few technical problems. The web conferencing is a recently developed technology. It uses the internet to hold conferences.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Happy new year and great christmas

good wishes for the ocassion

Saturday 3 September 2016

Thinking of a startup!

 answer the following question...
1. What Problem you are going to solve?
2. how other have solve this problem? how differently you will solve it?
3. List down the benefits of this solution to the public.
wait for next post

Thursday 1 September 2016

Cloud Security and Hadoop

This topic can be covered with the working of Hadoop on multi node cluster having some of node on cloud, i will try to cover once i am with some good information. If any of you are with please share

Monday 25 July 2016

Cloud Ecosystem

In order to embrace the cloud successfully  and harness its power for traditional and new kinds of applications, we must recognize the features and promises of one or more of the three foundational cloud services – software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). We must also understand and properly address other aspects such as security, privacy, access management, compliance requirements, availability, and functional continuity in case of cloud failure. Furthermore, adopters need to learn how to architect cloud‐based systems that meet their specific requirements. We may have to use cloud services from more than one service provider, aggregate those services, and integrate them on premises’ legacy systems or applications.
To assist cloud users in their transition to the cloud, a broader cloud ecosystem is emerging that aims to offer a spectrum of new cloud support services to augment, complement, or assist the foundational SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS offerings. Examples of such services are security as a service, identity management as a service, and data as a service. Investors, corporations, and startups are eagerly investing in promising cloud computing technologies and services in developed and developing countries. Many startups and established companies continue to enter into the cloud arena offering a variety of cloud products and services, and individuals and businesses around the world are increasingly adopting cloud‐based applications. Governments are promoting cloud adoption, particularly among micro, small, and medium enterprises. Thus, a new larger cloud ecosystem is emerging.

Quantum Computing for the masses

For the first time, IBM Research has thrown open public access to its new quantum processor via the IBM Cloud. Dubbed IBM Quantum Experience, this will provide users with the ability to experiment with individual quantum bits (qubits), process their own experiments, and run some of their own algorithms directly on IBM's quantum processor.
Though not a full-blown quantum computer (the IBM processor comprises just five superconducting qubits) it does represent the latest advances in IBM's quantum architecture that the company claims may one day scale up to create very much larger, more complex quantum processors and eventually lead to the development of a universal quantum computer. which could solve some of the problems that simply can't be solved using classical computers. 
"Quantum computers are very different from today's computers, not only in what they look like and are made of, but more importantly in what they can do," says Arvind Krishna, senior vice president and director, IBM Research. "Quantum computing is becoming a reality and it will extend computation far beyond what is imaginable with today's computers. This moment represents the birth of quantum cloud computing. By giving hands-on access to IBM's experimental quantum systems, the IBM Quantum Experience will make it easier for researchers and the scientific community to accelerate innovations in the quantum field, and help discover new applications for this technology."
Although universal quantum computers do not yet exist, IBM believes that medium-sized quantum processors of 50-100 qubits will be a reality within the next decade. A quantum computer created with just 50 qubits would already be more powerful than any of the world's top 500 supercomputers.

Monday 4 July 2016

Write the output (with explanation preferably)

What will be the output of the following program
char *s1 = "ABCDE";
char *s2 = "AB";
(*s1 == *s2)
   if (* s1 =='\0' || *s2 == '\0')
s1++ ;
if(*s2 == '\0')
printf("ABC") ;
Give the Best, Average and Worst case examples and complexities of the following algorithms:
      a)Insertion Sort
 b) Quick Sort
    c) Bucket Sort
Insertion Sort
a)Best Case:O(n)
Eg: [1,2,3,4,5]
(The best case input is an array that is already sorted)
b)Average Case:O(n2)
Eg: [5,4,3,2,1]
c) Worst Case:O(n2)
Eg: [3,2,1,5,4]
(The simplest worst case input is an array sorted in reverse order.)

Please answer for Quick and Bucket Sort

AMAZING....................isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a story that Harsha Bhogle, India’s most loved cricket commentator, loves to tell, over and over again.
Making his debut in Test cricket for Sri Lanka, Marvan scored a duck in his first innings. And again, in his second innings. (0,0).
They dropped him. So he went back to the nets for more practice. More first-class cricket. More runs. Waiting for that elusive call.
And after twenty-one months, he got a second chance.
This time, he tried harder. His scores: 0 in the first innings, 1 in the second.
Dropped again, he went back to the grind. And scored tonnes of runs in first-class cricket. Runs that seemed inadequate to erase the painful memories of the Test failures.
Well, seventeen months later, opportunity knocked yet again. Marvan got to bat in both innings of the Test. His scores: 0 and 0. Phew!
Back to the grind. Would the selectors ever give him another chance? They said he lacked big-match temperament.
His technique wasn’t good enough at the highest level. Undaunted, Marvan kept trying.
Three years later, he got another chance. This time, he made runs. He came good. And in an illustrious career thereafter, Marvan went on to score over 5000 runs for Sri Lanka. That included sixteen centuries and six double hundreds. And he went on to captain his country. All this despite taking over six years to score his second run in Test cricket. Wow! What a guy!
How many of us can handle failure as well as he did? Six years of trying, and failing. He must have been tempted to pursue another career. Change his sport perhaps. Play county cricket.
Or, oh well, just give up. But he didn’t. And that made the difference.
The next time you are staring at possible failure or rejection, think of Marvan.
And remember this: If you don’t give up, if you believe in yourself, if you stay on the course, the run will eventually come. What more you could even become captain some day.
One more thing, Marvan is a qualified Chartered Accountant.

How Piezoelectric Speakers Work?

Piezoelectric materials change shape when exposed to electric fields. Learn how we can use them to create sound.

Atomic Theory


An atom has a center nucleus that is made of neutral charges called neutrons, and positive charges called protons. Moving around the nucleus are negative charges called electrons. 

Opposite charges attract, so electrons are attracted to the protons in the nucleus. At the same time, similar charges repel, so too many electrons in one area tend to push one or more electrons to leave.

Electrons are in constant motion around an atom.

Piezoelectric Effect

Certain materials will generate a measurable potential difference when they are made to expand or shrink in a particular direction.  

Increasing or decreasing the space between the atoms by squeezing, hitting, or bending the crystal can cause the electrons to redistribute themselves and cause electrons to leave the crystal, or create room for electrons to enter the crystal. A physical force on the crystal creates the electromotive force that moves charges around a circuit.

The opposite is true as well: Applying an electric field to a piezoelectric crystal leads to the addition or removal of electrons, and this in turn causes the crystal to deform and thereby generate a small physical force.


Representation of a compressed (left) and stretched (right) crystalline structure.

How Piezoelectric Speakers Move

The piezoelectric effect can be employed in the construction of thin-form-factor speakers that are valuable alternatives to traditional electrodynamic speakers in space-constrained applications. These devices are referred to as both piezoelectric speakers and ceramic speakers.

Apply an electric field to a piezoelectric material and it will change size. The piezoelectric material will shrink or grow as charges are introduced or removed, but the base material will not.  

This causes elastic deformation of the material toward or away from a direction that is perpendicular to the surface of the speaker. As soon as the electric field is removed from the piezoelectric material, it will return to its original shape.

As the speaker flexes and strikes air molecules, it causes a chain reaction of collisions that eventually reaches your ear. If enough air molecules strike your ear, the nerve cells send a signal to your brain that you interpret as sound.

How Disturbances Travel

An unimaginable number of atoms and molecules surround us and are in constant motion. These particles move in straight lines until they hit other atoms and their direction changes. A single particle will never move far before a collision, but the effects of the collision can travel great distances as new particles collide with their neighbors.  

Imagine adding a single drop of food coloring to the center of a swimming pool. The particles of food coloring might take minutes or hours to reach the edge, but the waves generated by the drop would be at the pools edge in seconds.

Air particles strike our bodies constantly and randomly all the time. When the collisions stop being less constant and less random, and start being more regular and patterned, we are hit with more particles at specific times. Certain nerve cells in our ears can detect these increased, patterned collisions and send signals to our brains, and our brain interprets the pattern as sound.